Annual Meeting Notice
En Español
The 2025 Credit Human Annual Meeting will be held Thursday, May 22, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. CST at Norris Conference Center, 618 NW Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78216. PLEASE NOTE: the Norris Conference Center is located at Park North Mall and is NO LONGER LOCATED at Crossroads/Wonderland Mall. Park only in the Parking Garage located beneath the facility.
We encourage all members to join us for a review of the past year and a glimpse into the future. It's also an opportunity to meet and mingle with the volunteer Board of Directors who represent you in the governance of our Credit Union. Door prizes and refreshments will be offered. Seating is limited. Please RSVP to [email protected] or call 210-258-1007.
Board of Director Nomination and Election Process
There are three (3) Board of Director positions available. As regulation requires, your Credit Human Board of Directors has appointed a Nominating Committee of current Directors to recruit the best-qualified candidates to represent the membership. The Nominating Committee has interviewed and vetted candidates considered to have the desired values, skills, experience and availability to serve as Directors and is hereby nominating the following candidates to fill the three (3) open Board of Director positions:
Blaise Bender
Blaise Bender, attorney and Certified Public Accountant, has 8+ years' experience with three of the formerly "Big Six" accounting firms. He is a former CEO and CFO and now the Managing Shareholder of Blaise C. Bender, PC, a law firm engaging in tax matters, estate planning, corporate legal counsel, mergers, acquisitions, healthcare, and business development. He conducts continuing education seminars on healthcare, real estate, retirement, and federal tax updates. Credit Human values his expertise.
Dan Crowley
Dan Crowley currently chairs the Supervisory Committee. He has experience in financial planning, business efficiency, billing, customer service, budgeting, and regulatory compliance. He is Director of Governmental Relations at San Antonio Water System. He earned a BA in Economics from St. Mary's University and an MBA from the University of Texas at San Antonio. An accredited CPA, he has been a Board Volunteer for four years; his vast skills of great benefit to Credit Human.
Steve Nivin
Steve Nivin currently serves as Vice-Chair of the Leadership and Development Committee and past Chair of the Supervisory and Nominating committees. Holds a BA from Austin College, a MA and Ph.D. from The University of Texas at Dallas. He is currently an associate economics professor and Chair of the Economics Department at St. Mary’s University and managing member of his own economic consulting firm. His multi-tasking skills and self-discipline benefit Credit Human greatly.
Additional Nominating Opportunities
Any member in good standing, age 18 or older, who has not been convicted of a crime involving dishonesty or breach of trust is eligible to be considered for election to the Board of Directors. Per Credit Human Bylaws, the candidate should provide what is called a Nomination by Petition that must be signed by at least 500 members, or one percent of the membership (approximately 2,500 members), whichever is less. If you would like to nominate yourself or another individual for one of the director positions, submit a Nomination by Petition packet to include:
▪ The last four digits of the Credit Human account number of each member who signs the petition;
▪ A signed statement by the nominee stating s/he is agreeable to nomination and, if elected, will serve;
▪ A brief statement of the nominee's qualifications, and
▪ Nominee's biographical data.
Ways to Vote
An election will be held if there are more nominees than available Board of Director positions. Should there be an election, a ballot will be sent to each credit union member on or before April 5, 2025. No matter where you are geographically located, you may cast your vote online, over the phone, or by paper. Voting begins on April 5, 2025, at 12:00 am CST and ends at 11:59 pm CST on May 5, 2025. If no nominees are submitted by petition, the three (3) candidates interviewed, vetted and selected by the Nominating Committee will be elected by general consent. Election results will be announced at the Annual Meeting, and no further nominations will be accepted from the floor at that time.
Additional Opportunities to Participate
If you are interested in volunteering to provide governance and leadership to further our Mission of helping people create and maintain financial slack, especially those who are financially stressed, there may be additional opportunities to serve on committees, task forces, or to be an Associate Director. We are looking for members who are passionate about our Mission and willing to volunteer roughly 10 – 20 hours a month preparing, attending meetings and planning sessions, and participating in our governing bodies' continued development and growth. If you have a desire to contribute your expertise and to learn more about our governance structure and what it means to be a Credit Human Volunteer, see the Contacts section below to learn more and apply.
For Nomination by Petition packet, guidelines, general interest in joining our Volunteer cadre as an Associate Director, or other inquiries, please contact Arleen Villapadierna at (210) 258-1007 or send an email to [email protected].
Thank you for being a member of Credit Human.

Ed Hinojosa
Secretary, Board of Directors