Build your financial slack.
If you're feeling financial stress, you're not alone. 167 million Americans feel the same way. We're here to help change all that.
More slack equals less stress.
When you subtract life's expenses from the money you make, what's left over is your financial slack. Having enough slack means you can pay for unexpected expenses and enjoy life without the constant stress.

Assess your financial slack
Make a spending plan
Visit our Financial Health Centers
Ready to build financial slack?
Explore ways to build your financial slack in the areas of spend, save, plan and borrow.
More ways to learn about financial health.
Free credit counseling for you.

Call GreenPath toll-free at 877-337-3399
Financial planning calculators.
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Knowledge and skills to create and maintain financial slack.
Answer a few key questions about your current financial status and future goals. You'll get a personalized list of resources based on your financial needs.
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Recommended reading by Credit Human
Read up to learn concepts and skills that can help you build and maintain financial slack.

Sustainable Lending with Credit Human
Empowering communities through green financial solutions
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Paying Down Debt vs Investing
Learn the pros and cons so you can make informed financial decisions
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Improve Your Credit Before Buying A Home
Essential tips to boost your financial health before taking the plunge into homeownership
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